Tuesday, July 26, 2016

You are enough. God gave you your talents and desires and He can give you the courage to do something with them.

"Your talent is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God."
~Leo Buscaglia

Today was a mommy first for me. A friend invited H and me over for a play date. It was spontaneous and wonderful. The kids got a chance to play and be wild, and I even relaxed enough to let H out of my sight (and he did just fine without me.) It was nice to sit and talk grownup stuff one-on-one with another tall person who isn't my husband.

This friend is a fellow writer and we got to talk 'shop' about our goals and hopes for our writing. We actually have a lot in common. Our conversation got me to thinking about my writing and why I do it. Why do I take the time to write the things I write? Why do I think anyone cares? I've struggled with the answer to that question for a while now. I've always wanted to be a writer. From my very earliest years, I was constantly writing and coming up with plot lines and characters. My office closet is full of spiral notebooks, filled from cover to cover in my childish handwriting.

Despite my love of writing, I could never take myself seriously. I never had confidence enough in myself to think of myself as an author. I would read other people's works and be happy for them and be glad for their success, and know I could write as well as them, but I never dreamed I could go down that path and be successful. Why? The only thing they had that I didn't was confidence in their abilities. I wouldn't even say that many had more experience writing - the library of my books in the office is testament enough to that.

Maybe I didn't think people would care about what I had to say. Maybe the stories I had to tell were not up to par with other authors' stories. I would tell myself not to try because there were others much more talented than me out there. Only the truly deserving would make it. Why didn't I think I was deserving? Why did I put myself down for so long?

I don't know if I will ever answer all the why's that kept me from doing what I love, but I'm not going to let them stop me. I am going to write and tell my stories. I am going to share what is in my heart, the good, the bad and the ugly. I'm not going to live in fear of a stranger's rejection of my work. I write for me. I write to fulfill that longing I've had since childhood. I write to share my story with others. I'm not anticipating changing the world, but if I can make someone laugh, stop and think, or open their minds to a subject, then I have accomplished something.

One of the topics I cover most is our journey through infertility. It takes a lot out of me to articulate my thoughts and emotions on the most sensitive subject in my life. It takes courage to publish an article, publicly showcasing our struggles. Why do it? Why put myself out there? The answer is simple. I can help others. I have a story to tell, and my experience has already helped several couples who are also struggling. Because I took the time to write down the details as we were going through the process, I have been able to hold the hand of other ladies as they navigate their own infertility. I know how special that is because it is others who were willing to share their story that helped me through my horrific IVF cycle.

I would encourage you to do something that scares you. If you have a dream, don't let anyone or anything take it from you. As with my writing, and many other areas of my life, I have always been my own worst enemy and my own harshest critic. Don't hide your talents in the closet. Don't put yourself down because someone else might be better than you. You are enough. God gave you your talents and desires and He can give you the courage to do something with them. You never know who is going to hear, read or see your creations and be inspired, blessed or challenged because of you.

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