Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Whether your pregnancy was meticulously planned, medically coaxed, or happened by surprise, one thing is certain - your life will never be the same ~Catherine Jones

Why did I want to be pregnant again?
Yesterday was quite the pregnancy night mare, and I am only 5 weeks along. To be fair, if this were a normal pregnancy, I would not be experiencing some of these, but still... I worked with cam at his office for most of the day, and I didn't do to much physical work. I sat at a desk most of the day, but I got over tired before I realized it. All of a sudden, I was completely exhausted. I mean, I was tired to the point to distraction. I went home and took a long nap, which only made me grumpy when I woke up. I also woke up with a pretty huge headache. When it was time for me to get my shot, it was miserable. I still have huge hives on my left side, and am developing them on my right side. I have been using only the right side for about a week now, and cam could not find a place to give the shot. There are so many black bruises and bumps from the shots that Cam decided it would be better to try to use the left side. He found a good place, and it didn't hurt to bad. However, getting a shot on that side only made the itching worse. I also fought really bad heartburn all day, and last night I finally took two tums, even though I had been told not to. I thought my esophagus was going to dissolve it was hurting so bad. (I did read the label, and the kind I have should be safe according to about 4 websites and my mother and sister)

Despite the fact that I feel like nothing but a baby making machine, and I feel like I am falling apart, I am grateful for all these symptoms. This just means that there is a little baby in there, and he has to be pretty healthy to be giving me all these symptoms. I am doing my best to eat 90% of my food off of the "Pregnancy Power Foods" list, which I complied from several different top 10 foods to eat during pregnancy (funny, there are some overlaps, but none of the lists are exactly the same) The added benefit of this is that I am eating really healthy, and I am actually loosing weight. Now, my Dr. may not like it, but I am cutting out junk, and that can't be a bad thing. I figure, if I am going to go through all this, and I am going to make a baby, I might as well make the healthiest baby I can.

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