Tuesday, March 11, 2014

9 out of 10 children get their awesomeness from their Aunt

Being an Aunt is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I think my nephews are the most amazing people in the world. Carter, the two year old, who is constantly on the move, has so much personality. He is all boy, and loves to sword fight, pillow fight, wrestle, play chase, play with the dog and make loud noises. He also has a hero right now, and his name is "BUZ!" Carter just had his second birthday, and we had a Buz party. Of course, all the other Toy Story characters were invited, but Buz was the guest of honor. I helped him go potty yesterday, and it was so funny. He kept saying, "Buz, Buz, Buz.." and dug through the pull ups till he found the one that had buz on the front. We might have to get him a new psckage when we go to town, because he is going to run out, and have a break down.

While Carter is all boy, and ready to get dirty at all times (actually, not sure why I said that. He hates to have his hands dirty) he is also the BEST snuggler, and gives great hugs. If it is his idea to be picked up, and be snuggled, and he chooses you as the one to do it, it melts your heart. This boy is also VERY dramatic. He has you kiss "ouch" (tiny, or imaginary hurts) several times a day. He will go around, pointing to his tummy, ear, hand, cheek, whatever, and say "ouch" until someone kisses the ouch away. Of course, no one minds getting the excuse to kiss that sweet boy.

One of the most precious things about carter to me, is his relationship with my dad, "Papa". Papa is Carters best friend. He only sits in Papas chair, even when dad is not there. They nap together, watch endless cartoons, play hard, and snuggle for hours. For a while when he was younger, Papa was the only one except my sister and brother-in-law that could make him stop crying, or comfort him. Sometimes, he even preferred Papa over even them. The way my dad caters to his every need and want, and interacts with him is so wonderful to see. Yeah, he is spoiling the boy rotten, but that is what Grandparents are made to do.

Little Landon has only been in our lives for 3 months, but he has won everyone's hearts with his adorable smile, and that wonderful baby smell. He is almost always happy, unless he is hungry, or needs changed. Of course, at this point, he is not picky about who is holding him, but I like to think that he really likes me to have the privilege. Last night, I went with Katie, Alyssa, and Mom to Weight Watchers, where they work. I got to hold Landon while they did their thing. We had the best time. We made faces, and he laughed when I talked to him. If you stick your tongue out, he will mimic you. Also, this kid is walking already. Ok, so not really. He is super strong though. I stood him up, and only helped him keep his balance, and he "walked" across the counter. He saw the shiny dish rack, and wanted to check it out. Of course, I made him do it several times before his legs got tired.

Being around my family, and these precious babies all week is just the distraction I need to keep me from dwelling on my upcoming blood test. We find out Thursday if we are pregnant or not. I have to admit, I did take two tests already, one on Sunday, and one today. They were both positive, but they were VERY faint positives. I have had some more symptoms (discharge, mood swings, sore breasts, and a lot of cramping) but like before, it is hard to say if they are caused by my pregnancy or the medications they are giving me. We are all so excited about me being pregnant, that almost everyone we know knows about it. Dad even announced it in his small group on Sunday night. I am happy about that. Rather I have this baby or not, even if this one is not the one we have for keeps, I am pregnant. There is a baby in me. We have created not one, but three lives with this IVF round, and this tiny little ball of cells represents all three of them. I am pregnant. If I find out I have lost this baby, it will be a miscarriage, and I will mourn it. If you are thinking I am silly, just wait. If you ever have to go through what I have been through, you will understand. Right now however, we are choosing to be positive and believe that I am pregnant, and that this procedure has been successful.

Keeping our fingers crossed...

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