Monday, December 10, 2012

“There was nothing medieval people liked better, or did better, than sorting out and tidying up. Of all our modern inventions I suspect that they would most have admired the card index.”
~ C.S. Lewis, The Discarded Image

I really love the idea of being organized. I am always making lists, and thinking of ways to improve my daily functions. I wish I could tell you I actually followed through with those lists, crossed off each task one by one, and went to bed at night happy. If I told you that, I would be lying to both you and myself. I tend to loose the lists, forget what I wated to organize, loose intrest and go to bed thinking of the same to do's night after night.

I recently had a Christmas party at my house which forced me to come face to face with those haunting lists. Of course, I was not able to get everything accomplished in a week that I would have wanted. I was however able to hit the high notes and manage to impress all my guests with my skills. One of my favorite projects was a jewelry organizer. We painted our master bed and bath a few months ago and since then I had been using one of the spare beds as a jewlery exhibit - classy, I know. Since I have more jewelry than the average gal, I needed no ordinary organizer. So, I went to Hobby Lobby and Lowes. An hour and a half later, my guest bed was clear of the sparkly debris, and my bathroom was graced with the super functional display.

After recovering from the party and putting my house back to rights, I was really enjoying the feeling of my casa being so clean and tidy. I knew however that this phenomon was going to be short lived. As I said before, my intentions are noble, but my follow-through is sometimes lacking. I dug deep into my creative inner being and also my pinterest board, and came up with an idea that is sure to work - at least for a few days. To Hobby Lobby I went. A 50% off sale, an ugly frame and a can of spray paint later, I was on my way to an organized life. With a little help from The Creativity Exchange and their FREE printables, I now have a "Command Center" in my kitchen. The idea is to Cross off the permanet list daily, and not watch TV, knit, or go to bed until all of them have been done. There is also room for other important things, like a reminder to find your brother-in-law a Christmas gift.

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