Saturday, December 10, 2016

I woke with cramping that could only be one thing

December 12, 5:00am
I just sent this message to my IVF coordinator:
Good early morning!
I woke a few minutes ago to find my period had started in the night! This might be the one and only time I was excited for it and I may have even cried a tiny bit.
I am told that along with letting you know this, I am to tell you that I need to schedule my SISTT & Trial Transfer.
I will try calling in the AM, but thought I would notify you on the Portal now, since I am not getting back to sleep any time soon. :D 
I woke with cramping that could only be one thing. When I went to the restroom, I cried a couple of tears of joy and immediately began shaking with nervous and excited anticipation.

My job at this point is to inform my clinic of my cycle starting. Being a literal person and a rule follower, I of course, went straight for my computer and sent the message. I am nothing if not thorough.

Hopefully I know soon What the next step is and when I have my ultrasound. I am incredibly thankful that I will get a lot of the testing done in December. our insurance has unexpectedly covered more of the testing this time, and it would be lovely to have everything possible out of the way before the new year and a new insurance and a new deductible.

I guess I am going to go try to get some more sleep now. It was a late night for us and the toddler will wake up soon, ready or not.

My clinic is fantastic, and I understand that they need a weekend too. That being said, I am going CRAZY! Having started my flow Late Friday / Early Saturday, that means that by the time they check their messages on Monday morning, (Their voice mail says that phone and portal {their patient communication site} messages will not be checked until office hours) I will be on day 3 already. I typically only have a 5 day period. Not knowing if I am going to have an appointment for day 3 (Monday some time...?) or day 4 (Tuesday) and not having a firm date or time to give dh so he can go with me is driving me nuts. He is being calm about it, and I really appreciate him being the logical, centered one in this relationship and situation. It is what is keeping me sane.

I have also began to knit socks. I just learned to use double pointed needles. and as a way to take my mind off of all of this, I have decided to teach myself how to make socks. Maybe by the time I deliver this baby I will have a cute pair of hand made socks to wear in the hospital. Maybe.

I really am trying to battle this urge to check my inbox 1000x an hour, looking for a response. It seems completely insane to do so, since I KNOW they won't get the message until Monday. However, I have admittedly refreshed my patient portal about a million times total today, hoping that someone was industrious and decided to check their messages on their day off.

If you want to pray for us (me specifically) right now, please pray for my nerves. Pray that I do a better job giving this over to the Lord and trusting him and his timing for this IVF cycle. There are a lot of medical interventions, etc. but no life will begin if HE is not a part of it. He is still the creator of life and is in charge of this process. I need reminded of this several times a day, as I am very tempted to worry and obsess over things that are completely out of my control.

Tomorrow is Sunday, and I am going to go to church and try to worship with a clear head and not let this stress take away from what I may need to hear. Pray that I can relax and enjoy the service and learn something. It is hard to shut my brain off, when it comes to this situation, but I really need to do so and just have some time with God. In my heart, I know that will also help with some of this anxiety.

I am going to bed now. My fingers are numb from knitting and I have stayed up too late for the second night in a row.

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