Wednesday, April 19, 2017

With God All Things Are Possible

God's people must have been lifting up a mountain of prayers on our behalf because the news we got this morning could only be described as a miracle! 

To break down this chart, we had 11 eggs harvested. Out of that 11, one had to be tossed. There were 10 that had ICSI performed on them (were injected with a sperm with a needle.) Out of that 10, 9 little embryos are growing and have potential to be babies in our arms. NINE!!

Out of the three egg retrievals we have done and the three results we have waited for, this is the most encouraging report we have ever had. Out of 11 eggs when we did IVF with Henry, only three fertilized and only one made it to transfer day. Having 9 to start off with really increases our odds and gives us hope that this can be a successful cycle. 

I'm not entirely sure what the next few weeks will look like as I have never done a frozen transfer before, but I feel much more relaxed about the whole process now that I have this wonderful news. 

When I got the message about our little Embies, I called Cam and told him to start looking for the van he wanted, that we were the proud parents to 13 babies. (three heaven babies, Henry and 9 in the clinic right now)

We are not 100% sure what the future looks like for any frozen (snowflake is what the IVF world calls them) babies we have, but we see ourselves attempting a frozen transfer every couple of years until they are all used. I can't stand the thought of just letting them remain frozen with no plan for their future. We arrived at that conclusion a long time ago and feel a real peace about it. God created these lives, and if He wants them to live, He will make it happen. 

Thank you again for all the prayers and love you have shown us. I truly believe that it is the prayers sent up that got us to the place we are today. 


  1. Congrats!! Hoping and praying that you will have many snowflake babies in the future!

  2. Thank you for so honestly sharing your journey.

    1. Thank you. Sometimes it is hard to share, but I really want to make the conversation about infertility less taboo and awkward for the general public. :D


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