Thursday, November 17, 2016

January, Here we come!!

"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.”
~Lamentations 3:22-24

November 16th, 2016

Today, we had our initial consultation for our IVF session. Wow. Even though we didn't really learn anything new, it is so good to finally have hat over with and have a bit of a schedule to go by. I showed up with my notebook and list of questions, and I didn't really need them. I love our Dr. He is matter-of-fact and straight forward. Despite the giant list of labs he ordered for us, he said that there were a lot of tests, (genetic, etc) that are already in the system and that we won't be repeating. I'm all about no paying for tests again, so thats great.

Our lab orders we were given today are really un fair. Cam had a list of 5 items or so, and I had about 2x that many. I will say, after our first IVF, I had iron veins, and I had almost gotten over my fear of needles. I was shocked to go in to the lab today and have sweaty palms. I began to dread it, but the wait wasn't long. I warned the Phlebotomists (fancy name for the nurse who takes your blood) that I am a hard stick and that I hate needles. She felt around both arms until she found a good vein and got me on the first stick. I did close my eyes for it, but it wasn't all that bad. Some of my tolerance for blood draws must have lingered even after 3 years. This nurse was amazing. My blood was flowing slowly, but she filled all 5 vials of blood from that initial stick. I am actually pretty proud of myself for watching them fill up.

We don't have an exact date yet for our January cycle, but we were told that we would be able to go in January.

A blessing that we were not expecting, is that insurance (not the same one we had before) is covering a lot of the ultrasounds, blood work, etc. the first time around none of that was covered. We will see what happens when our provider gets the bills and processes them. I bet we end up with a letter saying we owe something other than the co-pay. BUT, I am happy for any help we are getting that we were not expecting. As this is an incredibly expensive procedure, and help is welcomed.

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