Thursday, June 1, 2017

Polly Polyps

Before I begin telling you about the new twist in the plot of our baby journey, let me give you some great news. 

1) Our clinic gave us a 20% discount off of the FET procedure because we are repeat customers. That is awesome.
2) We were asking for prayers from friends and family last week because we were waiting for our insurance to authorize a medication we have to take. These estrogen patches are $400 out of pocket, or a simple $10 co-pay. We got news yesterday that our insurance did approve it!!!
3) With some other fancy saving techniques, like using what we have, and making sure I know everything being sent to me, we only paid $692 for our medications which we were quoted at being $1500.

Isn't that all great news? I love it when things work out in our favor once in a while.

Now, for that plot twist.

Not doing the transfer in April has opened a whole giant can of worms that we were 100% not expecting or planning for. We had thought we were going to transfer some embryos, maybe pay for some to be frozen for later use. That was NOT what happened.

Because we postponed the transfer, here are some things that, in true domino-effect, had to happen:
1) I have to be on birth control for two months and all the lovely side-effects that go with it.
2) Cam and I both have to take an antibiotic (Again) because it has been 6 months since we took one before. This is to make sure we are not giving each other STD's. Even though we KNOW that is not the case, we have to take it any way.
3) I have to do the FET process and everything that goes with it, including the $3k+ bills that go with it. (after discounts and refunds from previous cycles)
4) With a $6k deductible (none of the fertility treatment payments count toward it), we HAD hoped to have our baby in the same year as the IVF procedure, and all the prenatal care, etc. That's not going to happen. Everything will go back to $0 about two months before the birth. That's unfortunate.
5) I had to have another SIS/TT trial transfer ultrasound that cost us $895 on top of the other costs mentioned. This ultrasound is to make sure nothing is wrong with my uterus. They also map my uterus to make sure they know the best place to put the embryos on transfer day.

I am going to admit I was annoyed that I had to do all this, some of it for the second time in six months. I went into the appointment a little upset about it. I was paying almost $1k for a seemingly unnecessary procedure that takes less than ten minutes to complete.

As this was my third SIS/TT ultrasound I felt like an old pro. I knew that when they said, "Full bladder" they don't mean to drink a 44oz. water before coming in. I knew what to expect and that it was going to be painful, but not horribly so. I knew to expect menstrual-like cramps for the rest of the day.

When my Dr. finished the procedure, I was ready to say a quick thank-you and get ready to clean all the gel off my belly, etc. and get on my way. Instead of hurrying to the next patient, he stayed to tell me that he had found there polyps on my uterus.

Yup. This silly and redundant ultrasound actually found something. 

Turns out, I actually needed to have it done. They had told me it is better to have it and not find anything than to not have it and end up needing it. I said, "well, I'm perfectly healthy. We have male-factor infertility, you won't find anything, but I will do what I am told."

They were quick to assure me the polyps can be taken care of, but that it could not be done that day, and not in the clinic. I will have to have surgery (Hysteroscopy) later this month to have the poly polyps removed. This is not a major surgery, but it is incredibly overwhelming for me. 

Without the surgery we can not transfer any embryos, and all we have worked for can't happen. With the surgery, we have to come up with another several thousand dollars we were NOT planning on.

The good good news is that we caught the polyps in time, and our FET timeline won't be significantly altered. Our Dr. estimated that our timeline might get pushed back about a week. In the grand scheme of things, that is nothing. 

I really don't mean to sound grumpy or to be using this platform as a digital complaint box. I am a blessed woman, who is loved and I know that God will supply all my needs. Things look kinda gloomy right now and it just seems this process will never end. I feel like we have been in this endless ground hogs day loop of fertility treatments, setbacks and more treatments. Every step closer we get to actually getting a baby, we are pulled back several steps. 

I want to say, "It's not FAIR!" I want to throw myself on my bed and cry. I want to hit something. But, I don't. I can't. My crazy little life keeps going, even when I am overwhelmed and hurting. My son needs me, and I have to be able to care for and focus on him. 

No, it is NOT fair. While, "Why us?" goes through my mind in times like this, I am reminded that these things happen and they might as well happen to us. "Why NOT us?" 

If you are praying for us and lifting us up during this process, we appreciate you and we still covet those prayers. Please pray that the finances work themselves out. Pray for our attitudes and for my spirit. I am feeling a little crushed right about now. Pray for the surgery, that it goes well and is successful. Also, I am praying that nothing else goes wrong. Not sure I can handle another set-back right now. 

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