Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Embryo Update, DAY 3
Day 3 post retrieval was the most stressful day so far.
We were anticipating communications from our clinic on Sunday and did not receive any. Then, none came on Monday either. When we did IVF in 2014, we got daily embryo scoring emails with updates on the number and quality grading of each embryo. This really helped to keep our anxiety levels down since we knew what was going on.
After a sleepless night and a morning of trying to work and not being able to concentrate, Cam and I both called the office and also left messages on our portal. No one was responding. After many failed attempts to gain information, Cam actually told them that he was going to drive to the clinic and camp out in the waiting room until he could find out what was going on. At that point, the receptionist did offer to take a note to the nurse, which I guess she ended up doing. We had a phone call and a message on our portal very shortly after that. I kinda felt bad about being pushy, but our lives felt as though they were hanging in limbo, and the only people who could help were not being very accommodating. We just wanted a simple yes, or no to our question: do we still have an embryo?!
I guess they did some policy changes and in just the couple of years since we had done it, they no longer consider it best practice to disturb the growing embryos, taking them out of the incubator to grade them.
We read all of the paperwork, and it never explicitly stated we would get information, but it never said we would not either. I think we kinda 'got in trouble' for not reading the papers throughly, but I promise, we did. We just read them with a preconceived idea of what was going to happen, therefore our brains filled in the gaps where info was lacking. Not good. Below are the two places that we were told that we would not be receiving daily grading. Personally, I think it is a little vague.
Our nurse did contact our Dr. and the Embryologist for us and they took a look and graded our embryo. As of about noon, we have a grade 3, 5 cell embryo. Based on the info they provided, I am not sure if that is actually good or bad, but at least we know. Everything I can find online seems to be opposite of what our clinic uses. I remember it was the same last time as well, so I did expect this.
After we finally got information fro the clinic, and were assured that we would be contacted if something happened to little 'Embie' I felt better. HOWEVER, the anxiety was still there, and will be probably until I get that positive pregnancy test.
I have a horrible habit of eating my feelings. Nervous eating is one of my very worst bad habits. Between all the random food I was shoveling in and all the medications I was on, my digestion was ALL kinds of messed up. I was bloated and gassy and miserable. My haunches hurt from the progesterone injections and I just wanted to take a bath. Soaking in a hot bath with some essential oils and a good audio book sounded like heaven. Just kidding. From the egg retrieval to the positive pregnancy test, baths are not recommended. Sad day.
For now, it is just more waiting. We will get a call Tuesday afternoon to schedule our transfer on Wednesday. Over half way there!!!
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